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Like other modern web browsers, Apple’s Safari has a few features that send your data over the Internet. For example, Safari sends all your searches to Apple with the default settings. We don’t recommend you disable all these features, as they do useful things. But we’ll explain what the various options do so you can make informed decisions.

与其他现代Web浏览器一样,Apple的Safari具有一些功能,可通过Internet发送数据。 例如,Safari使用默认设置将所有搜索发送到Apple。 我们不建议您禁用所有这些功能,因为它们会做有用的事情。 但是,我们将说明各种选项的作用,以便您可以做出明智的决定。

If you just want to browse privately without leaving tracks on your own PC, open a private browsing window by clicking File > New Private Browsing Window.


选择您的Mac同步哪些浏览器数据 (Pick Which Browser Data Your Mac Syncs)

The macOS operating system synchronizes your Safari browsing data, including your bookmarks, open tabs, and saved passwords,  if you sign into your Mac with an Apple ID. This allows you to access your saved data on other Macs, iPhones, and iPads. You can also restore this data quickly on a new Mac just by signing in with the same Apple ID.

如果您使用Apple ID登录Mac,则macOS操作系统会将Safari浏览器的浏览数据(包括书签,打开的标签和保存的密码)同步 。 这使您可以访问其他Mac,iPhone和iPad上的已保存数据。 您也可以通过使用相同的Apple ID登录在新Mac上快速恢复此数据。

To control which data your Mac syncs, click Apple menu > System Preferences > iCloud.

要控制Mac同步哪些数据,请单击Apple菜单>系统偏好设置> iCloud。

If “Safari” is checked here, your Mac will synchronize your Safari browser data. If “Keychain” is checked, your Mac will synchronize passwords you’ve saved in Safari and other applications.

如果在此处选中“ Safari”,则Mac将同步Safari浏览器数据。 如果选中“钥匙串”,您的Mac将同步您在Safari和其他应用程序中保存的密码。

控制Safari对搜索的作用 (Control What Safari Does With Your Searches)

To access search settings, launch Safari, click Safari > Preferences, and click the “Search” icon at the top of the window.


  • Include search engine suggestions: As you type in Safari’s address bar, Safari will send your keystrokes to the search engine you select here. You’ll see suggested searches appear as you type. If you disable this, Safari will only send your searches to your search engine when you press Enter to search.

    包括搜索引擎建议 :在Safari的地址栏中键入内容时,Safari会将击键发送到您在此处选择的搜索引擎。 键入时,您会看到建议的搜索。 如果禁用此选项,则Safari仅在按Enter进行搜索时才将搜索发送到搜索引擎。

  • Include Safari suggestions: As you type in Safari’s address bar, Safari will send your keystrokes and your geographical location to Apple’s servers. Safari will then show you suggestions for content like news, and Wikipedia articles, weather information. If you disable this option, Safari won’t send your searches or location to Apple.

    包括Safari建议 :在Safari的地址栏中键入内容时,Safari会将击键和您的地理位置发送到Apple的服务器。 Safari随后将向您显示有关新闻,维基百科文章,天气信息等内容的建议。 如果禁用此选项,则Safari不会将您的搜索或位置发送给Apple。

If you don’t want Safari sending your searches over the Internet as you type, you may also want to . This will prevent Spotlight from sending your searches to Apple and Bing, but you won’t see suggestions and search results from the web in Spotlight.

如果您不希望Safari在键入时通过Internet发送搜索,则可能还希望 。 这将阻止Spotlight将您的搜索发送到Apple和Bing,但是您不会在Spotlight中看到来自网络的建议和搜索结果。

The other settings here aren’t as relevant to privacy, but here’s what they do:


  • Enable Quick Website Search: When you search on a website, Safari can remember you’ve searched that website. You can then quickly allow you to search that website again by typing the name of the website followed by your search into Safari’s address bar. Click “Manage Websites” here to see which websites Safari has remembered. Safari will only send information over the web if you specifically choose to search a website.

    启用快速网站搜索 :在网站上搜索时,Safari会记住您已经搜索过该网站。 然后,您可以通过键入网站名称,然后在Safari的地址栏中进行搜索来快速重新搜索该网站。 单击此处的“管理网站”以查看Safari记住的网站。 Safari仅在您明确选择搜索网站时才通过Web发送信息。

  • Preload Top Hit in the background: When you’re typing in the address bar, Safari may choose to preload the top search result in the background to save you time. If you disable this feature, Safari will never load a search result until you choose it.

    在后台预载热门搜索 :在地址栏中输入内容时,Safari可能会选择在后台预加载热门搜索结果,以节省时间。 如果禁用此功能,Safari将永远不会加载搜索结果,除非您选择它。

  • Show Favorites: Safari shows your favorite websites below the search field. If you disable this option, Safari won’t display your favorites here. This is only a privacy concern if you’re worried about people seeing your favorites over your shoulder while you type in the address bar.

    显示收藏夹 :Safari在搜索字段下方显示您喜欢的网站。 如果禁用此选项,Safari将不会在此处显示您的收藏夹。 仅当您担心别人在输入地址栏时在您的肩膀上看到您的收藏夹时,这才是隐私问题。

选择网络钓鱼和恶意软件防护 (Choose Phishing and Malware Protection)

On the Security pane in Safari’s preferences window, the “Warn when visiting a fraudulent website” option is enabled by default. Like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, Safari uses the Google Safe Browsing service to attempt to protect you from dangerous phishing and malware websites.

在Safari偏好设置窗口的“安全”窗格上,默认情况下启用“访问欺诈性网站时发出警告”选项。 像Google Chrome和Mozilla Firefox一样,Safari使用Google安全浏览服务来尝试保护您免受危险的网络钓鱼和恶意软件网站的侵害。

When this option is enabled, Safari automatically downloads a list of known-dangerous websites from Google and keeps it up to date. When you visit a web page, Safari checks if its address appears on the list. If it does, Safari sends the full address to Google to verify if the web page is actually dangerous. If it is, Safari blocks it and shows you a warning page instead.

启用此选项后,Safari会自动从Google下载已知危险网站列表并保持最新状态。 当您访问网页时,Safari检查其地址是否出现在列表中。 如果是这样,Safari会将完整地址发送给Google以验证该网页是否确实存在危险。 如果是的话,Safari会阻止它并显示警告页面。

In summary, Safari contacts Google to download a list of dangerous websites. Safari will only send the address of web pages you visit to Google if you appear to be visiting a dangerous website that appears on the list.

总而言之,Safari会联系Google下载危险网站列表。 如果您似乎正在访问列表中显示的危险网站,Safari只会将您访问的网页的地址发送给Google。

We strongly recommend you leave this option enabled, as it helps protect you from fraudulent and malicious websites.


管理隐私选项 (Manage Privacy Options)

The “Privacy” pane contains options that control what websites can do, including:


  • Cookies and website data: By default, Safari accepts cookies from websites you visit. Websites require cookies to keep you logged in and save your browsing preferences, but they are also used for tracking web advertising. You can choose to block cookies from here, but then you won’t be able to sign into websites and . The “Allow from current website only” feature is a bit more aggressive and will block some tracking cookies from third-party websites. These are often used for advertising tracking, but can be used for other purposes.

    Cookies和网站数据 :默认情况下,Safari接受您访问的网站的cookie。 网站需要Cookie才能保持您的登录状态并保存您的浏览首选项,但它们也可用于跟踪网络广告。 您可以选择从此处阻止cookie,但是您将无法登录网站, 。 “仅允许当前网站允许”功能更具侵略性,并且会阻止来自第三方网站的某些跟踪Cookie。 这些通常用于广告跟踪,但也可以用于其他目的。

  • Website use of location services: This option controls whether websites can access your precise geographical location via location services. Websites always have to ask for your permission before viewing your location. To , select “Deny without prompting”.

    网站对位置服务的使用 :此选项控制网站是否可以通过位置服务访问您的确切地理位置。 网站始终必须先征得您的许可,然后才能查看您的位置。 为了 ,请选择“拒绝而不提示”。

  • Website tracking: The “Ask websites not to track me” option is disabled by default. If you enable it, Safari will send a “Do Not Track” request with your web browsing traffic. This is just a request, and . “Do Not Track” isn’t a silver bullet.

    网站跟踪 :默认情况下,“要求网站不跟踪我”选项处于禁用状态。 如果启用它,Safari将发送“不跟踪”请求以及您的网络浏览流量。 这只是一个请求, 。 “不追踪”不是灵丹妙药。

  • Apple Pay: You can “Allow websites to check if Apple Pay is set up” on your Mac. if you don’t want to , feel free to disable this option.

    Apple Pay :您可以在Mac上“允许网站检查是否设置了Apple Pay”。 如果您不想上 ,请随时禁用此选项。

Your Mac automatically keeps Safari and the rest of your operating system up to date. You can manage your update settings by heading to System Preferences > App Store, but you shouldn’t prevent Safari from updating. Whatever browser you use, it’s crucial you have the latest version with the latest security updates to . If you don’t, malicious websites you visit will be able to attack your Mac through your browser.

Mac会自动使Safari和其他操作系统保持最新状态。 您可以通过转到系统偏好设置> App Store管理更新设置,但不应阻止Safari更新。 无论使用哪种浏览器,拥有最新版本和最新安全更新对于安全都是至关重要的。 如果不这样做,那么您访问的恶意网站将能够通过浏览器攻击Mac。




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